Equine Challenge Lamiane 911 Hoof Support
Equine Challenge Lamiane 911 Hoof Support
Equine Challenge™ Laminae 911 herbal support helps build strong, healthy laminae. Equine Challenge™ Laminae 911 hoof supplement is formulated to help your horse’s compromised hoof tissue to heal more quickly. It is not just the hoof but the many other systems which support the hooves such as the immune system, the circulatory system, the gastro-intestinal system and organ support such as the kidney, bladder and liver. While providing inflammation mediators, anti-pyretic (fever) and analgesic relief in a more natural way, without the negative aspects of NSAIDs and Bute use.
1 lb 45 servings
2 lb 90 servings
5 lbs 225 servings
Equine Challenge products are drop shipped from their facility.
Enter code EQCH for FREE SHIPPING on Equine Challenge products (EQCH code free shipping does not apply to other brands, if ordering other brands, the code will not apply).
Is your horse in need of Laminae 911?
Horses in any and all stages of laminitis
Horses in any and all stages of founder
Supports blood flow to the hoof
Natural Pain mediators
Horses transitioning from shoes to barefoot
Horses that are tender footed
Thin soled horses
Weather mediated hoof tenderness
Intermittent hoof tenderness
Helps build strong, healthy hooves
The thriving horse depends on all the body systems to work together at the same time to maximize the healing support which is required. If one system is overwhelmed by another, it is more difficult for the entire horse to establish functional healing repair.
Boneset: Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Pyretic (fever) and Analgesic support
Boswellia: Vascular/circulatory support, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Pyretic (fever) and Analgesic support
Butcher’s Broom: Vascular/circulatory support
Devil’s Claw: Gastro-intestinal support, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Pyretic (fever) and Analgesic support
Garlic: Immune system support, Vascular/circulatory support, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Pyretic (fever) and Analgesic support
Hawthorn: Vascular/circulatory support
Juniper Berry: Kidney and bladder diuretic support
Oregon Grape: Immune system support, liver support, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Pyretic (fever) and Analgesic support
Quercitin: Immune system support, vascular/circulatory support, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Pyretic (fever) and Analgesic support
Slippery Elm: Gastro-intestinal support
Stevia: Immune system support, vascular/circulatory support
Uva Ursi: Kidney and bladder diuretic support
White Willow Bark: Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Pyretic (fever) and Analgesic support
Yucca: Gastro-intestinal support
This information has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. This information is not intended to offer medical advice or to act as a substitute for the advice of a licensed Veterinarian.