Custom Equine Nutrition Omega E

Custom Equine Nutrition Omega E

from $35.00

Custom Equine Nutrition’s Omega E combines milled flax seed and natural vitamin E to provide your horse with these essential nutrients. Each 4 ounce serving provides 24.8 g of Omega 3 fatty acids and 2,500 iu of natural vitamin E. The NRC established minimum level of vitamin E for horses is 2 iu/kg of body weight, or 1,000 iu for the average 1,100 (500kg) horse. Vitamin E is a powerful anti-oxidant, and deficiencies can result in result in compromised immune system, muscular and neurological disorders, decreased stamina and muscle atrophy. As a fat soluble vitamin, pairing natural Vitamin E with the healthy omega 3 rich milled flax seed allows for optimal absorption and the vitamin E preserves the omega 3 oils in flax, which helps prevent spoilage.

Omega 3 fatty acids help your horse have healthy skin, hair and hooves, supports immune function, improves recovery from exercise, support the natural anti-inflammatory pathways in the body, modulate allergy response, support the vision and nervous system function, and improve respiratory issues.

Feed 1 ounce per 250 pounds of body weight = 4 ounces for a 1,000 pound horse.

Available in
8 pound bag, 32 servings, $1.00 per serving
25 pound bag, 100 servings, $1.00 per serving

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